Will Alex and MrTheocracy be like a great many of the Catholics that stayed with the church after the pedophile priests were revealed? People in the hall were shaking their heads in puzzlement when it first came out. How could those church goers stay with that corrupt religion?
Well, I'm sure there will be many excuses along the lines of "They are just imperfect men - Jehovah is cleaning house - those were just wolves in the congregations - they made mistakes..."
I just want to reiterate:
WT says - Cases of alleged abuse are reported to secular authorities if required by local laws - meaning if there isn't a law mandating this, they will not report.
or as instructed by the local branch office. - which is what they have been instructed to do for all these years. Call them first. No reporting to the police.
Alex wrote - Satan is an accuser ,he was that in heaven before his ouster and continues today while on the earth,with that said I'm not saying there were no mistakes made by imperfect men who handled sexual abuse but as a whole the organization is committed to feeding Christ sheep and caring for their needs as a loving Shepard entrusted with the feeding of his the Kings sheep.
At the Australian Royal Commission hearings, elders were questioned about how they handled cases of children being sexually abused. First they said, they called the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society to get advice. The advice they got, was articles that had been published in the literature - and that was read to them. At no time were they told to call the police.
The elders were asked, if they warned anyone about these pedophiles. No they did not.
Did they know that if you were in area that mandated police notification, that they could held accountable? One elder was quite taken aback when he realized that he could in trouble.
So did the WT instruct these elders to report to the police as required? No.
Pedophiles are often repeat offenders. If you research you will find that treatment to completely cure a person of this, is difficult if not impossible. There are therapies that try to help curb the desire. Look at the Catholic priests. Sent from one place to another and destroying more children's lives and their families.
So this principle applies to the WT: Exodus 21:29 But if a bull was in the habit of goring and it's owner had been warned but he would not keep it under guard and it killed a man or a woman, the bull should be stoned and its owner is also to be put to death.
Knowing that a person has committed this crime and it is not reported to the police, makes the elders and the WT responsible from then on. It allows this person to find other victims in the hall or out in the world, without authorities or parents knowing the danger.
Since we don't put people to death because of a bull, the next verses applies to the WT now. v30 If a ransom is imposed on him, he must give as a redemption price for his life all that may be imposed on him. v31 Whether it gored a son or a daughter, it is to be done to the bull's owner according to this judicial decision.
According to the bible, this is the justice for their negligence and failure to report to the authorities.